\ Worldbuilding | unlimitedi.net
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MrDave's picture
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I chanced across this:

Orion's Arm didn't fit in our narrow categories of "intersting sites" or "had to share" and so I started this thread on Worldbuilding projects. I think it is interesting how far thay've taken this. AND they roleplay as well.

Since I am here, I should mention the Ghyll Encyclopedia http://gamegrene.com/wiki) as another exercise in worldbuilding from a completely different angle.

Any others you've found?


Kaarin's picture


There's a couple in that thread. One for building stars, language kit, planet designer, worldbuilding questions. And so on.


MrDave's picture

The project I mentioned is an on-going writers group like ours...the world is as much a part of their fiction as ours is. a shared universe.

The prjects you mention on the other thread all seemed to be toold and resources for building worlds, but not evolving worlds of their own.

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