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(here come the PC switching comments)

Ok, upon reflection, I dont think I could play Zara as a PC. I made her with an idea, and she could never live up to what I wanted for her if I controlled her. SOOOO if i give her up to being an NPC she can be destined for bigger and badder things. Plus, given busy schedule, I want a character who is not so much in the spotlight. So without further ado, I give you my 2nd submission. Let me know what you think.

Character Name: Derex ‘Rex’ Foxx
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Light Side/Dark Side Ratio: 8/4

Physical: 6’1, dark hair and eyes, athletic build.
Attitude: known to be a high flying risk taker, Derex is driven by a need for speed. He has a knack for keeping it cool in dangerous situations (even to the point of being a showoff) but has a hot temper when it comes to emotional/personal conflicts. With a million acquaintances and very few true friends, Derex seems to have erected a psychological barrier blocking out people from becoming to close with him.

Homeworld: Chandrila

History: Son of an extremely rich galactic business man, and an ex teen pop-star mom, long past her prime, Derex was a bit of a trouble maker in his youth with little sense of discipline. His parents were never around to take care of him, and whenever an authority figure did try to teach him a lesson, daddy would by his son out of trouble. Instead of trying to raise their son into a good man, his parents basically threw money at him, hoping he would stay out of their hair. This only fueled the problem, as it is well known that kids with too much money and no guidance is a very volatile mix.

Luckily, at the age of 14, Derex calmed down somewhat when he took an interest in a game called “Seeker”, (An underground extreme sport wherein players equipped with personalized gear race through a terrain trying to capture an escape droid). Soon after his 15th birthday, his family relocated temporarily to the outer world of Vorgrel where his father was starting up new businesses in sector. The terrain of the planet was much more conducive to his new hobby (as it was filled with much more wild areas), and to his surprise the ‘Seeker’ game was bigger here than back on his homeworld of Chandrila.

Although initially skeptical about the move, Derex soon fell inlove with Vorgrel and was quick to call it home. His parents rapidly made their way into the elite circles of the upperclass/nobility and it was through these connections Derex met Zayen, Corin, Lara, Myklos, and Zara. At first, the rebellious teen bumped heads with Zayen and his crew (especially Corin, who first saw Derex as a spoiled punk) but he eventually developed a friendship with the group (even though he and Zayen had a strong rivalry over which was the bigger playboy on Vorgrel. Although Zayen would usually end up with the girl, Derex adamantly believes that Zayen has an unfair advantage because of his title of ‘Prince’). One surprising twist of events was that Princess Zara took an uncharacteristic liking to Derex. Although they both knew it was no great love, the two were somewhat of an item for a brief time. (One little known fact is that Derex was Zara’s first, something they both managed to hide from her protective older brother).

As time past, Derex life became increasingly stable. Although his family moved away from Vorgrel, he remained on the planet in a lavish apartment (paid by dad). He had his close friends, and his passion for ‘Seeker’ soon turned into a career when the game made its way into the main stream. It was not long before young Foxx made a name for himself in the outer rims and soon after, in a epic match on Nal Hutta, Derex bested reigning champ, Gorion Grek (an overally aggressive Trandoshan) as well as a number of other competitors, thus becoming the Intergalactic Champion (The highest title in ‘Seeker’ save for the prestigious Galactic Champion). It was Derex’s 15 minutes of fame, and he relished in it!

Of course…all good things come to an end. The following year, things did not go as well in the ‘Seeker’ grand cup as it had previously for the now reigning champ. Once again, the race for the droid was tight between him and Gorion, however this time, the Trandoshan vowed not to let the human steal his glory. When he and Derex had taken a sufficient lead on their competitors, Grek turned from tracking the droid to hunting Derex. It did not take long for the reptile to fall on his prey, and, after destroying the camera droid that was relaying the video to all the spectators, Grek set his plan into motion. Although ‘Seeker’ was a rough game, young Foxx never saw the attack coming. Gorion pounded the daylights out of the smaller human, and while Derex lay bloody and helpless on the floor, the Trandoshan took his speeder and ran over Derex’s right leg, severing it painfully from his body. It took over an hour for a 2nd camera droid to catch up to the grizzly scene, and another half hour for the medical crew to arrive. To the galactic fans of ‘Seeker’ the image of the now bloody, legless champ was one of those ‘Gasp’ moments, a shocking twist of events that made the sport so entertaining… to Derex, it was the worst day of his life.

Derex’s leg was replaced with a robotic substitute, but machinery could never truly replace his own flesh and blood. The former champ tried hard to recuperate quickly and get back into the game, but things were never the same. He was still a good ‘Seeker’ player, but the robotic leg had its limitations, and he just couldn’t compete at the same caliber he used to. It was not long after that Derex retired, and the name that was once associated with one of the most popular ‘Seeker’ players soon faded into obscurity.

The time following was extremely rough, and Derex fell into depression. He turned to drinking, and drugs as a way to hide from his problems. Luckily, his friends quickly discovered his masochistic tendencies, and helped put him back on a good path. It might have worked had the Orsiri coup not happened. In one fell swoop, all his friends disappeared (Save for Zara who he was hardly even friends with anymore) and he was left with no one. To make matters worse, his father got wind of some trouble Derex caused the empire during the Coup, and, fed up with his sons actions, decided to financially cut him off.

With no options, Derex has turned down a dark path. Using his skills from ‘Seeker’, Derex Foxx is often employed by crime lords and other shady characters as a relic hunter/thief. He travels around Vorgrel (and the galaxy) retrieving hard to access items (whether they be located at the bottom of a volcano or in some governors bed chambers). Although deep down he's a good person, Derex is so screwed up, he doesnt know what else to do to get by.

More on Seeker: The game is conducted in vast areas (abandoned cities, ruins, forests, jungles, mountains etc). Players search the area for an escape droid (a small flying bot which tries to evade the players). Each participant has his/her own unique equipment which allows them to navigate through the terrains, and video droids follow along so spectators can see the action up close. Generally, the game ends when one participant either destroys the droid or captures the droid and makes his/her way back to a designated area (depending on the specific cup, rules alter somewhat). Although extreme violence is prohibited, it is not uncommon for players to set traps for others as well as engage in small skirmishes (it is an extreme sport).

Items: -Eye piece scanner
- Wrist band blaster / grappling cord.
- Wrist band shield generator (creates a small oval shield which deflects blaster shots and energy, but not tangible attacks (like swords etc)
- Gravity bombs (When detonated, these small, spherical bombs reduced the gravitational pull in an area allowing someone to jump incredibly high)
- Magnetic Boots

Abilites:: Great Seeker player.

Force Powers: none

Played by: James Marsden

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