\ Oronoko actor | unlimitedi.net
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earwigfleshfactory's picture

Noticed something odd on the Triad actors list, Oro's actor is listed as "animatronic/CG?". Sorry for any confusion, but he's played by Paterson Joseph, aka the Marquis de Carabas from the BBC NeverWhere series. I was figuring more in the side of heavy prosthetics, makeup, and a CG or animatronic tail.

Re: Oronoko actor

Heather's picture

earwigfleshfactory wrote:
he's played by Paterson Joseph, aka the Marquis de Carabas from the BBC NeverWhere series.

Rowr. :D Sexy choice.

Oronoko actor

Kaarin's picture

Cool. I got you fixed; just glanced through the profile, couldn't find one, so thought you just didn't pick one. :)

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