\ Movie Recommendations (or warnings) | unlimitedi.net
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Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Soulless Zombie's picture
Posted in

If we have book recommendations, why not movie recommndations? This is more for me than anyone else. I need a place to look before I go to the video store; otherwise, I'll just wander around and end up renting something disappointing.

If you're so inclined, use the following format. If you hate formats, just give us a title and anything else you feel like adding.


Title is what the movie is called. If the movie is a remake, inclusion of the year it was made would be appreciated

Class is the same as Genre. But some movies are hard to classify in a neat word. I'd call Buffy the Vampire Slayer a Humor/Horror/Drama.

Next, all things considered, what grade would you give the movie? A? D+? C-. B- - ("bee minus minus")? Remember, a movie might get an F+ but still be hella fun to watch, thereby deserving a recommendation. Need I say Plan 9 From Outter Space?

A Outstanding
B Good
C Average
D Poor
F Phh!

The formula is a quick arbitration of what makes up the movie. Perhaps Jaws is Duel + Jacques Cousteau. Perhaps Fight Club is The Graduate + Heathers + (A Beautiful Mind / 2).

Yeah. I've got too much time on my hands. I don't sleep.

Anyway, next:

Suggest a means of seeing the movie. Possibilities:

See it big screen opening night
See it big screen
See it big screen matinee
See it big screen 99 cent discount movie / double feature
Rent it New
Rent it Old
See it on HBO/Showtime/etc
See it as the movie of the week
Watch it on a fuzzy, local channel when you're strung out at 3 AM
Don't see it (in which case, this isn't a recommendation...it's a warning)

Commentary: thoughts on the movie?


Title: Changing Lanes
Class: Suspense
Grade: C
Formula: Tin Men + Falling Down - rewatchability
Means: Rent it new or old
Commentary: I enjoyed it. Not full of surprises, but it didn't strike me as mindless. The acting was adequate.


Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Firefly's picture

Just before we all got sick and stuff, I took the kids to see Shrek 2. I know there's been a lot of negative stuff said about it being a retread, but honestly, I thought it was really good. It was funny for us as well as for them, and being a mother who is forced to see just about every crappy family film ever, that's a big plus. If you liked the first one, you'll probably like this one too.

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Disposable_Hero's picture

I saw the League of Extraordinary Crapness last night.

Well, I saw the first twenty minutes of the League of Extraordinary Crapness and then turned the bloody awful thing off (well...ok, fell asleep. Same diff.) I didn't know it was possible to have so many historical innacurracies in such a short space of time. Is that a tank, machine guns, nuclear-size submarines, surface-to-surface missiles and a rolls royce I see? Oh, and in 1899...of course. At the least, that stuff was seventeen years off. As for the surface-to-surface missile, we're talking decades, and a lot longer until it can be launched from a sub.

Hyde/Jeykell, an Immortal, vampire and the Invisible man together in a crime-fighting group (look, X-men in the 19th century!) plus the token American thrown in for good measure because, well hello America, I could stomach. It had potential, really. It could have worked. What I saw of the action sequences were pretty decent, and it was nice to see Sean Connery kicking some ass.

Now, I know films aren's supposed to be entirely accurate, and usually I enjoy it when the bend reality (example: I liked Wild Wild West despite the gadgets in that were ahead of their time. same for the grenade in Van Helsing). But this was just far too much. At the expense of offending every American on the board, it was Hollywood re-writing history again.

Such a shame for a cool concept, too...

Ah, well. Going to see Day After Tomorrow soonish. Yay Jake Gyllenhal :)

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

MrDave's picture

I read the comic upon which the film was based. It wasn't supposed to be history, it was [supposed[/i] to be literature. Most of the technology used in the comic (I refuse to see the film which I explain below) was described in novels by Jules Verne, HG Wells and others of the period.

The idea of the TLoEG was sort of a "what-if" idea. In Modern comics, all of the heroes live in a common universe. The X-men know who Reed Richards is (even if my wife doesn't ;)) and even where he lives. Spiderman is aware of where the Avenger's mansion is in New York and has visited there on occasion.

What if the same were true of such literary luminaries as Earl Greystoke (Tarzan), Dr. Moreau, Dr. Jeckell. Dracula and Mr. Phineas Fogg. If they all lived together wouldn't they occasionally have cause to band togther to fight evil?

Great idea in the comics and masterfully played by the writer () and artist () who managed to not only capture the characters and the period but the flavor of the literature of the day as well.

Then Hollywood gets ahold of it...
HW Exec: "There is no American! Americans won't see a film about a bunch of fictitious Europeans."
Holywood's Answer: No Problem! Lets add Tom Sawyer! Done.
My Thinking: Not really a huge problem since old Sawyer shows up in LoEG the comic part 2 any way...makes sense.

HW Exec: "No-one will make the connection that Nina Harker is from the novel Dracula."
Hollywood's Answer: No Problem, lets make her a real vampire and she can kick ass.
My thinking: Overkill. If you really wanted to use Matrix-style special effects, there were other places to do it. (In the comic a lot of her force of personality is implied, her 'vampiric' talents are never shown blatantly).

HW Exec: We have a deal with (insert special effects house here) who has a (insert insanely overpowered computer system here) and we want to use it to save money.
Hollywood's Answer: Rewite the script to use lots of CG vehicles and devices rather than static backgrounds and drive the budget up into the triple-digit millions.
My THinking: Some of the worlds best films were made on a third of the budget of LXG (the movie as opposed to LoEG the comic). More money and more special effects do not make a mediocre film a great film, they make it a mediocre film with a bloated budget.

HW Exec: We need a big-name actor to sell this.
Hollywood's Answer: Get Sean Connery
My THinking: Sean Connery was offered the Matrix and turned it down. He turned down a part in LOTG too. I think he felt like this might have been another missed opportunity so he took it. Bad move Sean. I have it on reliable sources that he is the ONLY thing in the film that does not suck.

There is a lot of other things about this film that I can wave a judgemental finger at without ever having seen it. But I won't. See it, I mean. I will continue to wag away until someone holds me down and forces me to watch it. After that I'll just weep tears of dissappointment.

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Meredith Bell's picture

Oh FANTASTIC!! I love a challenge! :D Someone else get a video of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (look I even had the patience and wherewithall to write the full name!) I'll hold down Dave so he can't get away during the part where they drive that huge fuck-ass submarine through venice. Actually, I think I might need some help holding Dave down, I hear he's a fiesty fella ;)

PS: Sean Connery isn't the BEST part of the film, that would be Stuart Townsend because he's so HOT :lol:

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Logan's picture

I just came from "Harry Potter, and the prizoner of Azkaban". I really liked it, but then again, im a huge Harry Potter nut.

Anyways, yeah thats it...All of you go see it :)

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Disposable_Hero's picture

The Day After Tomorrow...much yayness. Go see :)

Special effects are awesome, Jake Gyllenhaal, as ever, is great, the storyline's good, though some of the dialogue is confusing in some places (super-heated what now coming down through the huh?).

The only thing I have against it is the wolves. They seemed to be thrown in at random (alright, guys. We haven't had any action or drama for a while. Let's chuck in some random bloodythirsty wolves that, somehow, haven't frozen to death like everbody else).

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Firefly's picture

Ok...I liked League, and yes, before you all go ape, I did read the comic, which without question was loads better. But still, I thought it was a fun, decent action movie...if you ignored the glaring inconsistencies with the original story. Of course, I saw League at a sneak preview where Mr. F'in Connery, and Stuart (too hot to be believed) were sitting directly above me on the tiny balcony of this great, exclusive dance club. Hello, I watched the movie with the entire cast in the same room. How can you not think it's good when you've just been dazzled by the very Hollywood idea of watching the cast arrive red carpet style aboard gondolas in Vegas' own Venetian canal. I mean, seriously, I think my judgement must have been impaired permanently and ever since, I can only associate such awesome good feelings with the movie. So, I may not be an impartial judge in this case.

However, Lou if you really need a copy of the movie, I of course own it on DVD. Just let me know where to meet you to aid in the whole forcing the film upon Dave thing.

Also, I saw Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and I loved the heck out of it. I too am a huge Potter fan...so, again maybe a biased opinion. As a disturbing aside, I am beginning to see a potential hotty in the 14 year old Daniel Radcliffel. Not like right now, but a short way down the road as he approaches adulthood. Is that wrong? I'm terribly afraid it is. Sigh...

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Heather's picture


Remember, Kris, what we write is fiction. It's DAYE who's infected with an evil virus that makes her lust after even the underage boys she sees... :wink:

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Allyana's picture


Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Allyana's picture

That meant nothing. I repeat, NOTHING.

(damn late teen students)

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Firefly's picture

I saw The Chronicles of Riddick on Friday. My husband and brother in law, Jason, went to see this in a sneak preview the week before it opened here in the states. They both told me it was fantastic. I had my doubts based on things I had read and those awful trailers. Let me just say, I was way off base. This was a really cool Sci Fi space opera kind of film. It was very fun to watch.

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Logan's picture

Ok, well I saw the movie "The Notebook" Its not a very well known movie or anything, the actors arent super famous, and the story is a tad cliche BUT despite all that, I really really loved it. At the end of the movie, all the girls were crying (no, I didnt cry, but then again, im not a crier).

SOOOOOOO if anyone needs a good date movie, or just wants to get emotional go see it!

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Blackthorn's picture

I saw the Notebook too and i'll admit I was somewhat misty at the end. It was way better than I expected.

Dodgeball is a great movie too if you're looking to laugh and like that kinda 'stupid' humor.

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Logan's picture

Ok, Well I will be the first to say Spider-Man 2 is....AMAZING!!!!!!!

I was not a huge fan of the first one, and I was alittle dubious about this one, but all I can say is wow! I saw the Midnight showing last night (or this morning rather) and not once did I ever realize the time. Now, those of you who are not fans of 'super hero' movies should really consider seeing this one. It has very little of the super-hero-cheese that was oh so evident in Punisher. It has great character development, and the action is out of this world.

Shaun gives two thumbs up!

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Disposable_Hero's picture

Damn you Shaun...damn you...

Anyway, saw Deathwatch the other week.

I...liked it? I'm still not quite sure. I think I do like it, but I'm not quite sure why. It was weird (not in a Donnie Darko -sense, but still a uhh...wtf? at the end of it) and I didn't totally understand it, the special effects were a bit iff, but I still find myself thinking every now and again "actually, that was a really good movie." Nice to see an all-Brit cast and some good acting. I especially like the fact the director took a huge risk in doing some interesting stuff (*Possibly Spoiler*

A non-corporeal bad guy, for example

*End*) that most people wouldn't like, but I found new and different. Worth a watch.

Oh, and very goory, bloody and expletive-full.

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Logan's picture

oh another recommendation: For all those fans of anime (Japanese animation) I really highly suggest you watch the series
"Neon Genesis Evangelion"

Its 26 episodes, with 2 ending movies (They ran out of budget by the 26th episode, so they originally made a shawdy ending, but then made the ending movies which were amazing)

This series is just another perfect example of why Japanese cartoons are tons better than american ones. (Plus the dubbing is really good)

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Kaarin's picture

I think I'll add Reservoir Dogs to my list of recomendations. It shouldn't need much explanation, being a Quentin Tarentino movie, other than that it will be very well made and maybe a little strange at times.

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Heather's picture

Cole wrote:
"Neon Genesis Evangelion"

Its 26 episodes, with 2 ending movies (They ran out of budget by the 26th episode, so they originally made a shawdy ending, but then made the ending movies which were amazing)

Ah, that would explain a lot. I watched this series years ago and absolutely loved it - and then in the final two episodes it got VERY "Wings of Honneamise", which was disappointing to say the least.

I'm glad to hear they made a couple of movie endings - I'll have to go find them now. :)

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Logan's picture

I saw "Fareinheight 9/11" last night.

Im not going to get to much into it, cause well A) i dont want to start a big political debate and B) I am not, nor pretend to be an expert on American politics, but i will give my 2 cents.

I liked it. It was a tad confusing at times (All these politicians who were formely CEOs and linking companies to oil etc etc) Its also very touching (at times) and there are alot of hilarious moments (BUSH: "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me....uhhh...well you cant fool me again")

Anyways, I would recommend going to see it (regardless of whether you are democrat or republican). Its very interesting, and informative (Even though I do realize it has a biased edge to it)

Anyways, you can draw your own conclusion....


Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Hola-Meg-a-Cola's picture

Mmk, last nite I watched the ultimate cult film... The Rocky Horror Picture Show. I had mixed reviews; good coming from my friend Kelly and bad coming from my dad, who HATES it.

I liked it. A lot. I'm so mad that my mom brought it back to Blockbuster. Bisexuality and transsexuality was the main theme of the movie, which bothered me a little. But I got over it. The songs were too catchy for their own good and I'm downloading them as we speak. The costumes were awesome, and everyone sang well.

Tim Curry was fuckin' bitchin'. He owns that role, although it was kinda creepy seeing him in fish net and stilettos. Susan Sarandon can sing, which surprised me.

I didn't like the ending, though. I need closure, and it gave me none.

This movie is not for everyone. Its basically the bastard child of horror films and musicals that was so ashamed, it began to take acid.

I recommend it to all who like uber weird movies.

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Meredith Bell's picture

I was also wigged out seeing Tim Curry in fishnets and stilettos, but mainly because he has such fantastic legs, SO not fair, and he can walk in them four inch heels?! Not only that but prance around in them too... the world is such an unfair place :(

Oh, and you forgot to mention Meatloaf's cameo :)

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Hola-Meg-a-Cola's picture

My bad :oops: I was obssessing over the men of that movie (one is kinda of obvious and the other is kinda... weird, like all the men I like....)

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Firefly's picture

You must be told...in my Good Book of Farming, forgetting the almightly Meatloaf is a crime punishable by...well, vicious glares at the very least. All hail Meatloaf, rock god among men!

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Kaarin's picture

So last night I get bored and decide to re-watch an older but enjoyable movie. And now ask myself: how, oh how, could I forget to recomend Fiddler on the Roof?

The very first song sets the theme, and has inspired me to call one argument you run across in political discourse the "Tevye argument" after the main charecter. That I can tell you in just one word - TRADITION! There's not really much more to say about this, other than that Topol is perfectly cast as Tevye (I can't get his redition of "If I Were a Rich Man" out of my head).

Funny and at the same time provocative. If you haven't seen it, you should do so. If you can't get film, a good theatre production will do.

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Kaarin's picture

Ok, I just saw one of the best damn movies ever, which is saying a lot. If you haven't seen Mystic River yet, rent it now. The acting is wonderfull, the story is compelling. I'm going to go far enough, having seen this movie, to make the following statement.

The wrong movie won Best Picture in 2003. It should have been this one.

I can't say much without ruining it, since this is one of the few films that I think seeing "cold" actually helps. All I can say plotwise is that three childhood friends: Sean (Keving Bacon), Dave (Tim Robbins), and Jimmy (Sean Penn) get reunited 25 years later by the investigation of a murder.

It's dark. It's charecter driven. And best of all, it's not the usual tripe that Hollywood puts out. "Weak" story accusations levelled against it are, quite frankly, baseless; and in the end, everything comes together masterfully. As I said, the wrong movie won Best Picture in 2003. It should have been Mystic River.

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Kaarin's picture

Finally saw the second Spiderman movie yesterday with Jennifer, so can recomend it to everyone now. The villain was far more interesting and human than Norman Osborn ever was, and while some people might complain about romance, they finally had a more decent balance of romance and action (a problem I had with the first: not enough love!)

Oh, and the fun note from Adam: pay close attention to the dagger. Laugh at loud when you realise I got the same one years ago at a gun show. :)

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Blackthorn's picture

Kevin Bacon is the devil, thats all I have to say!

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Firefly's picture

I saw Collateral on Thursday night. (What kind of a sneak preview is the day before the movie actually opens. Not an incredibly cool one, I'll tell you that.) Anyway, this movie totally rocks. Tom Cruise is the creepiest freakin' bad guy. So much more interesting than when he's playing cute and charming. And Jamie Fox is a much better actor than I would have given him credit for. I also urge LABNer's to go see it cause the city is used so prominently and effectively in the story. Ok...so go see Collateral. :D

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Disposable_Hero's picture

I don't think I've recommended this yet, and if I haven't I have NO idea why. If I have, I'm plugging it again. Okay, so maybe it doesn't count as 'officialy' its a mini-series, but I saw it all in one go, so its a film to me :p

Battlestar Galactica.

Not the crappy 80s, alternate to Star Wars, bad guys are walking chrome toasters one, but the new (well, a year or so old now) one. I've got it on DVD and watched it so many times, and its AWESOME.

I love everything about it. The way its filmed (fantastic), the CG (virtually flawless), the script (pure genius, imho), the combat scenes (OTEOYSCYP*), the sound track, everything. And, because I hated the original with a firey passion, I have no reservations over the 'alterations' they made to it. In fact, I like to refer to them as 'improvements' :P

Any sci-fi fan who hasn't seen it (and if not, why not?) must, because they will love it. Anybody who likes Star Wars (alternately; the dark originals, not the crappy new ones) would also, I think, enjoy it too. Anybody who has three hours to spare and likes a good film, should also like it.

Whatever, go watch. It rocks :D


Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Hola-Meg-a-Cola's picture

Last week, I watched this anime movie called "Escaflowne" that I read on these sites was a really good movie.

Its basically aboot this chick named Hitomi who is whisked away to this other world called Gaea, which is in the middle of this big ass war, since she is said to be the legendery Wing Goddess who will bring Escaflowne.

When she gets there, she is met by this weird fighting guy (uh... can't remember his name, but I think it started with a 'K' or something....) VAN! (Shit, where the fuck did I get a 'K'?) His name is Van, and he is one of the surviving members of the White Dragon clan, and I believe he tried to kill her when they first met.

But there's like a bunch of other people there and stuff that are fighting with Van against this other guy (uh... his last name starts with an 'H'... gotta look it up). Aha! Folken (uh... I suck so much at names....)

Anywho, Folken is the leader of the Black Dragon clan, who wants to either take over the world or destroy it. And according to legend, Escaflowne will destroy them.

The movie was okay. Animation was realistic, but too realistic for me, since Hitomi had lips lol. And she had dyke hair (no offense to lesbians or anything, its just a really ugly hair cut).

The ending was a wee beet weak for me, as was the plot. But the violence was there and there was a shit load of it.

So if you want a flick with lots of blood and violence, but not much on a good plot, go rent "Escaflowne".

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Logan's picture

Escaflowne is actually a series of like 20-something episodes so your movie was probably just the beginning part. maybe thats why the ending wasnt so great

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Allyana's picture

Hey, Matt! What's wrong with original Galactica? :evil:

I liked the series, liked the plot, and liked the characters as they were. Ok, the tuna tin cylons were a little crappy, but still... the spaceships and ammo were great, and i liked their fighters better than the x and y wings of StarWars. And did you notice how those uniforms fitted? OMG, I so much loved Apollo and Starbuck! Had a crush on them, actually. :D

Ok, all that may sound a little overenthusiastic, but on my defense remember i was 14 when i saw the series. :roll:

However, i'm looking forward to my WinMx finally getting to download the new movies (seems i'm number a hundredth and some in the list :( ). And i'm sure i'm gonna love this version too, more so if it comes so well recommended.

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Firefly's picture

I just got home from Resident Evil: Apocalypse. I really liked it. Which is pretty surprising, because I thought the first one was mediocre at best. I thought the story in this movie was much more engrossing. I also thought it was much scarier than the first one. And, of course, it had Oded Fehr in it, which to me is a great bonus. Anyway, just thought I'd recommend this to any of you that like a good semi-scary action film.

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Logan's picture

Well I also saw Resident Evil 2, and I dont think I cangive it as good a review as Kris did. I mean it was OK in terms of having action and zombies (which we all know are always cool), but overall, it was kinda cheesy. If you like zombie movies, or are a fan of the video game go see it, but if you're just looking for a movie to go see, I would pick something else.

HOWEVER, I did see Vanity Fair also. I really enjoyed this movie. (For those who havent seen commercials or whatever, its about a social climbing woman in the 1800s. It draws alot from "Anna Karenin" (if any of you have read the book, you'll see the BIG similarities between Anna and Becky) Anyways with all that said, go see Vanity Fair

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Meredith Bell's picture

Actually I think Vanity Fair was written about thirty years BEFORE Anna Karenin, so perhaps it's more the other way around ;) Though I agree there are many similarities to be found between the two heroines.

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Kaarin's picture

Right, I've just gone and seen a rather fun movie. Robin and the 7 Hoods - it's a new version of Robin Hood set in Prohibition-Era Chicago, and features a couple of songs. Frank Sinatra is Robin; Sammy Davis Jr is Will Scarlet; and Dean Martin is Little John. Bing Crosby is also around as Alan A. Dale.

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Logan's picture

I saw "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow" last night. Its REALLY REALLY REALLY..................................................GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!

The story isnt that complicated, but besides that, I mean the movie is awsome: It has Robots, Lazers, weird creatures, and a really hot hero, what more can you ask for? (well maybe Ninjas, but hell, no movie is perfect :wink:

Anyways yeah, also, Id like to point out there is no swearing, and no sex in the movie which is a real change from alot of the stuff we see these days. Really good for the whole family!

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Firefly's picture

OMG...everyone get off your computers and go out this weekend and see Shaun of the Dead. It was truly great. It was funny and at times sad and scary and just awesome. It pays homage in little ways to so many classic zombie movies. You will be tickled when you get the references stuck in here and there. So...without hesitation, go out and see it, people.

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Tarix Conny's picture

Don't think i've ever posted here so...um..here goes..

went and saw Dodgeball the other day... that was some weird movie. Funny, and i really like ben stiller so it was quite nice. And those of you who might go and see the movie, try and hang around till the VERY end, ben stiller sings a song (snicker) thats a bunch of laughs.

can't wait to see resident evil when it hits the screens here in manchester. I loved the first one, loved the game.. thus i have a feeling i might like the sequel...

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Firefly's picture

Whoo Hooo! Saw Shark Tale with the kids yesterday. That was so much fun. It's funny and silly and just a great family movie.

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Tarix Conny's picture

Ok just saw Resident Evil and i must say it was like pur sci fi and fantasy society outing, and we all had the same thought about the movie... it was sooo crap that it was entertaining..... at one point i was reminded of alien ressurection many times... i thought that they did a lousy job with the sequel and if they'r going to do another one then they might as well invest in paying the public to see it when/if that ever comes out...

at many of the points i was impressed with the similarity of the environment of the racoon city common in the movie common with the game but other times they lost the total clarity on it.... i have to give this movie a total thumbs down... and reiterate that in the game NEMISIS WAS SOOOO MUCH SCARIER!!!! in the movie he reminded me of a pussy cat!!! (ok i'm exaggerating...)

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Logan's picture

Hear Ye Hear Ye, and all be Jealous because I just saw the first North American screening of several choice scenes of the upcoming "Final Fantasy: Advent Children"

If you dont know, there will be a new Final Fantasy movie. Unlike the first one (which was abit crappola) this one takes place 2 years after the ending of Final Fantasy 7, and follows the characters from that game. Well anyways, the graphics of the movie are beyond this world, and all I can say is "it looks F'n Awsome"

Look for its release directly to DVD in Feb-March 2005

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Kaarin's picture

Sorry, I just feel compelled to reply to that, having now sought out information on it (and read a plot summary). Let me preface this by saying that I actually enjoyed the original film. Because quite frankly, it was the first time that Square had the opportunity to do something strikingly different... and did. It wasn't your standard swords-and-sorccery romp.

I only have plot information on the new film at the moment, and plan on watching the trailer when I get home and can actually download it. That and have seen screenshots. So with that in mind... the graphics do look wonderfull. That is to be expected; if they were worse than the graphics in the first movie, I would be highly disappointed.

However, graphics appear to be about all Square can do well these days.

The film is 90 minutes long. From the plot summary, it sounds like they have tried to condense a long plot focusing on too many charecters into the film. As if that wasn't bad enough, the plot summary really doesn't leave much to be imagined. And, worst of all, I suspect that the only way to make it work and not spend lots and lots of time on exposition will be to assume your audience has knowledge of the backstory. Now, this isn't always a bad thing, but it will limit the number of people who will (ultimately) find the film interesting.

Perhaps it's just my cynicism and lack of faith in Square's ability to make a coherent plot. I can't say I have very high expectations for anything other than the graphics.

Personal Rant--Titans and Constantine

Sid's picture

I've got to get something off of my chest. Not all of you will agree, especially anyone with kids.

When I was a teen, I read the New Teen Titans by Marv Wolfman and George Perez. Excellent comic. I waited fifteen years, then POW! Carton Network adapted it. Alas, the Teen Titans cartoon is pathetically bad. It is so not like the comic that they may as well have just started fresh with something else for your Crap-An watching pleasure.

Brr. Hate that show. Hate hate it, wouldn't want to date it.

Now Hollywood has decided to hit me while I'm down. They've taken another comic idol of mine, John Constantine, and fraked him up royal. I just want you all to know, if you see the movie, that THAT'S NOT THE JOHN I know. They didn't even pronounce his name right. They should have gotten sting to play John. And there are other examples, but I'll shut up now.

Just needed to get that off my chest. Thanks for reading.

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

MrDave's picture


Take heart, friend, there are still some true creative juices flowing in Hollywood. Sony pictures is releasing a film by Neil Gaimen and Dave McKean in association with the Henson Company (now freed from it's disney shackles) called MirrorMask.

Look into this: http://www.sonypictures.com/movies/mirrormask/

Tell me that Hollywood is all about destroying your idols...(okay Mostly, but not totally yet)

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Sid's picture

Wow. Wow. That LOOKED like a Neil Gaimen Comic/Novel. Wow. Wow.

There is a word used on this site that I've employed a couple of times only--and I've meant it both times, granted. But it's a word that I do not consider fitting to my personality. It is a word that I felt uncomfortable using. It is a word I probably would never have used again. But allow me to say it one last time. Honestly. Unabashedly. Like a little girl.


Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Meredith Bell's picture

I have to recommend the following movie Dogville it's been out a while now but after reading a couple of reviews I finally decided to rent it out. This is such a strange yet amazingly compelling movie, one of the most interesting I've seen in recent years. For a start it's played out entirely on stage with very few props and chalk lines to represent the various streets and homesteads of the people of Dogville - at first I thought it would be distracting but it had quite the opposite effect, the lack of scenery really brought focus to the exceptional performances of this amazing cast (Nicole Kidman, Lauren Bacall, James Caan, Paul Bettany, - to name a few). Rather than be distracted by fast paced camera angles and gaudy sets the viewer is drawn to the attention of the players, their facial expressions, their eyes - things that only serve to engage the viewer more completely with the characters.

Enough about the format, the story omg, it's so terrifyingly disturbing but like I said at the same time compelling viewing. Kidman plays Grace Mulligan - a woman with a secret who seeks refuge in the town of Dogville. The residents agree to provide her with a place to stay and in payment Grace is set to work doing various small jobs. However when the police come to town looking for her, the townspeople start to take advantage of Grace in the most sinister and depraved ways (I don't want to say too much because it'd spoil the movie's impact too much.)

This movie reflects astonishingly how easily power can be exploited against those who are vulnerable. The people of Dogville are on the surface simple and decent people. Grace's arrival and her helplessness is the catalyst that, step by step, tempts the people of Dogville to inflict upon her greater and greater humiliations to feed their now unrestrained desires.

About the DVD -
I think this film is perfect for DVD viewing, at almost 3 hours it's a long film but the ending provides such a satisfying climax you feel well rewarded for you patience.

The DVD also has some interesting special features including 'the confessional' a kind of big brother diary room where the cast were able to talk about their personal emotional journey while making the film.

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Kaarin's picture

I'm bored, and in a Hollywood bashing mood. So, let's bash... Gladiator. For one simple reason: I'm blaming the recent re-attraction to the classics on Russel Crowe and this film.

Now, this isn't necessarily a bad thing... if Hollywood could tell an actual story. To be fair, the historical Commodus may well be too intense for Hollywood, and they combine various historical elements. At least the shot of the army on the march had the Roman legion under Marcus Aurelius in three battle lines; now, if only they engaged like the Roman army.

But all of this aside, one of the problems: Marcus Aurelius' line about a Republic. Um, no. Would never have happened. By this time, the Republic was too far gone for Rome to be anything other than an empire.

Spartacus should have been a much better done series. Quite frankly, the 1960 film, despite its political overtones, was much better. And while true in that Pompey the Great did try to take the credit when all he did was arrive late to the last battle, they implied that two Consuls was unusual (no, that's common practice).

Let's move on to Troy. To be fair, it was inspired by Homer, not meant to be a strict adaptation. Or at least, that's what they said in the credits. I don't think even that deserves a mention, though. The Gods are gone - we see only Thetis, and then she does nothing really godlike. How does the Illiad open? What's the first thing after the invocation of the muses?

The God Apollo rains down plaugue in the Greek army. The gods are active from the start (at one point, Athena beats up Ares, and boasts that she is the better warrior), and are active through the entire conflict.

My hatred of Troy is motivated by the treatment the movie gets from some. One of my friends, another classics major, has told me that she's had people tell her that she got the story wrong based on the movie.

Alexander, I'm looking foward to seeing. Some things I noticed from the trailers: diaphorous robes. Things they actually would have worn in antiquity. Woo hoo! And supposedly, Oliver Stone has managed to capture the feel of ancient warfare.

There's supposed to be a fair number of problems with the accuracy of the new Julius Caesar mini-series as well. Not the least of which is the death of Lucius Sulla, the original Dictator Perpetuus who resigned the office, then walked through the forum exposed to attack.

Yes, I have a problem with historical films being historically inaccurate. It's one thing to have anachronisms like contemporary saddles for saftey reasons, or to combine two wars into one like Shakespeare did in MacBeth, for dramatic reasons. It's another entirely to fuck everything up, especially in an age where large portions of the public get their history from film.

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Sid's picture

Going to see Constantine today. Don't ask me why. So I can complain about it, I'm sure. (Seeing a comic book movie, to me, IS an historical film.)

Movie Recommendations (or warnings)

Meredith Bell's picture

Someone! Please! Tell me that Steve Martin ISN'T going to try and do a remake of The Pink Panther staring in the role of Inspector Clouseau!!!! This is just too tragic to even contemplate, Peter Sellers WAS Inspector Clouseau, that character was HIS creation!

Anyone remember when Steve Martin murdered the Phil Silvers character of Sgt. Bilko for the big screen?

I'm dying! This is too horrible for words! And I'm STILL in an emotional funk after watching Dogville :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: - Man I need sugar!!!!

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